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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

George, Martin, Joseph and Myers-Briggs

The things being said by political candidates these days are almost more than I can take. (Since when is a "baby" a punishment? ...ETC) I'll keep it safe and move on to, what else...personality!

One request that I had was to consider the pesonality of George Washington. Well, I did by doing a google search on George Washington and the Myers-Briggs personality test. I found two sites that claim he's an ISTJ and two that claim he was an ESFJ. do they assess it anyway without his input? I've always wondered how reliable that is. I mean we can make a guess considering his and others writings but the questions on the personality evaluation are really something rather personal. Some could be answered by others quite accurately who know you, but I find that some are pretty close personal to the way we feel or think inside--something that may not be so evident to those on the outside. Besides that, there isn't anyone who knew George Washington.

Martin Luther King Jr. was an INFJ according to the google search (several sites said so anyway) and Joseph Smith was maybe (according to one I found) an ESFP. Great leaders, those with vision, those who are brave and stand for something come in all personalities. What a mess if that weren't the case.

1 comment:

Online Satellite said...

The best method to identify one's true personality type requires input from that person. If we have the chance to interview and assess that person directly, we should definitely do so. However, usually we dont have the chance to interview and assess those famous persons directly. If we are not able to do so, the best alternative is to analyse their observable behaviours, patterns, and temperament.
Nevertheless, the possible Peronsality Type based on our observation can only be perceived as the MASK personality type because we dont know whether he is behaving according to his preference or other preference...